Grow in Grace.


Shade shed in the school yard.
Students in the playground.
Students sitting on the floor watching a teacher at the front of the room.
A student sitting at a desk writing with markers.

St Peter's Lutheran School

We offer a safe Christian environment that endeavours to provide a diverse learning environment that nurtures mutual respect, love and care.

Our school is unique as it is a small school with small class sizes and a low pupil-to-teacher ratio. This allows us to devote the most time possible to each student and contributes to the sense of family within our school. Our classrooms are well-equipped with updated resources including a fleet of modern laptops and iPads, allowing students one-to-one access to these devices. Touchscreen televisions in each classroom are well utilised in our teaching and learning activities.

At St Peter's Lutheran Primary School we have a rigorous and challenging curriculum. Our experienced and carefully appointed teachers have a wide range of expertise, skills, and knowledge which we have incorporated into our broad and stimulating curriculum.

The front of our school.

Our vision is to nurture, develop and inspire lifelong learning within our caring community.

From the Principal - Friday 25th October 2024


On Thursday, we went and saw ‘Honk’ at Holy Trinity Lutheran College, which was performed by their year 3- 6 students. Honk is a musical performance about a baby swan who is mistaken as an ugly duckling after his egg falls into his mother’s nest but is rejected by everyone apart from his mother. Ugly, the baby swan, embarks on a journey across the marsh, meeting a range of critters who teach him that it takes all sorts to make a world. The students did an amazing job at performing their roles and should be very proud.

Book Fair

Last week, we held our annual book fair. Our devotion room was transformed into an Ancient Egyptian theme, by the talented Vicki Elliott. During the week, the students had a great time looking at the books and taking in the atmosphere of it all. Thank you to our school community for supporting our book fair. It’s a great fundraiser for our school and helps us keep our library stocked with up to date books.

Grandparents Day

On Friday, it was Grandparents day, it was so great to see so many grandparents and special friends visit school. It was a lovely day that started with a grandparent’s chapel service, followed but splitting the students and their grandparents into groups, where they rotated between classrooms to read a book and do activities together. Lastly, we enjoyed morning tea and recess with our guests before they headed home. Thank you to families for bringing a plate to share for morning tea and coming to enjoy the day.

Book Week Dress up Day

Also, on Friday it was our book week dress up day. Students were invited to dress up as their favourite book character. Students did a costume parade during chapel for our special guests, and everyone looked great. Thank you to all our parents that helped with costumes so our students can celebrate this event.

Melbourne Cup

Just a reminder that MONDAY 4th November is a school closure day and TUESDAY 5th is Melbourne Cup public holiday. There will be no school on both of these days. This is a great time to rest up to take on the rest of term 4.

Creek Play

With the warmer weather earlier this week, all students have been enjoying using creative and imaginative play while using the creek. We love seeing the students interact together, problem solve and share ideas while they are playing in the creek. With this great play, comes mess. I’m sure parents are already aware that students might have been coming home a little dirty. We apologise in advance for that and if you have an issue with this please contact the office. Students do have the option to bring their gumboots to school to wear while playing in the creek, if they wish.

World Teachers’ Day

To add to the busy day that Friday was, it was also World Teachers Day. I think that we are privileged to have the amazing teachers that we do at St. Peter’s Lutheran school. Every day they go above and beyond for our students, and I appreciate the everything they do to make sure our students receive a high standard education.


Term 4 schools fees have been sent out to families. If you have any questions or concerns about your fees please contact Neil Leek, our Business Manager on 53822529 or Millie.

Millie Dent

We've been providing a Christian education for children from Dimboola and surrounding districts since 1958.